God Doesn’t Need Us

Before getting too far into the idea of intimacy with God, it’s important to clarify one point. God didn’t create us for relationship with Him because He needed us in any way. Before the world was created, God existed in a perfect trinity of relationship – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They had perfect fellowship, perfect joy, perfect love.

God didn’t desire close relationship with us because He lacks anything or because He receives anything from us that was missing. Acts 17:24-25 reminds us of this truth.

The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything.

Then why does He initiate relationship? Why does He give of Himself? Why does He desire intimacy? Because goodness, kindness, and love define His being. They fill His heart and cannot help but overflow. He is a God who initiates and gives at no thought to what it costs Him.

What a God!


Read these verses describing the heart of God. Use their words to speak praises to God for His character and for sharing Himself with us.
I John 4:16
Psalm 145:8