Enjoy Life with God

The more you begin to enjoy God and time spent with Him, the more natural it is to interact with Him regularly throughout the normal events of your day. These interactions become regular times for you to share your joy, your delight, your sorrow, your need, your laughter, your song, your tears.

God has given us all things to enjoy (I Timothy 6:17). He is the giver of everything good in our lives (James 1:17). We are to do everything with the end goal of bring glory to Him (I Corinthians 10:31).

How do we bring Him glory as we enjoy the things He has given? We don’t just stop at the enjoyment of the activity or gift itself. Instead, we acknowledge Him as the source. We allow the gift to point us to the Giver so that we find our ultimate satisfaction in Him.

You can do this with any activity you regularly engage in and enjoy. Think about hobbies, talents, or natural gifts you have. How can you share those loves with God? How can you express adoration and love to Him as you participate in it? Ideas of activities could include:

  • Baking or cooking
  • Gardening
  • Biking
  • Creating
  • Singing
  • Playing an instrument
  • Hunting or fishing
  • Photography

Also think about specific parts of the day you can invite God into and enjoy together with Him.

  • A morning run
  • A commute to or from work
  • A quiet morning
  • A lunch or other work break
  • A tea time

Look for activities throughout your day that you can enjoy with God. He wants to draw alongside you in your every day life. You can find ways to be satisfied in Him and thus bring glory to Him in whatever you do!


Make a list of activities or hobbies you enjoy. Make a list of specific parts of your day you could intentionally invite God into.

Choose something from your list and plan to do it this week. Invite God into it with you. Acknowledge His presence. Share your joy and your time with Him. Praise the Giver for His goodness shown through whatever you are doing.