Do you want to do further reading or study of the passages mentioned today? Here’s a list of passages that were used:
Psalm 34:15
Ephesians 1:3-10
Acts 17:24-25
I John 4:16
Psalm 145:8
Romans 8:1
John 8:31-32
Romans 8:31
John 15:5
Psalm 73:23-28
Psalm 62:5-8
Psalm 63:1-8
Are you looking for further resources to dig a little deeper into some of the ideas in today’s lesson? Here are some suggested resources to explore. (Click the bolded titles to directly link to the articles.)
Intimacy with God – Knowing God, Knowing Ourselves, and Drawing Close
1 The Soul of A Leader – Ways ministry is spiritually dangerous to your soul.
2 Join others journeying together through a Psalm each week by subscribing to the Finding Rhythms Enjoying Life blog. Find a sample weekly reflection and more information here.